Hello and Welcome to TK Maths Academy. I write this at a time of great confusion and uncertainty, namely during the Coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic that has effectively paralysed the globe for the last few months. The impact locally in the UK has meant many businesses and services have seized to operate, yet here I am writing my first post, feels crazy. This was not, obviously, the ideal situation to launch but I believe in staying positive and thinking about the future so why not now?
Schools have been completely closed for most students and summer exams cancelled, so all the sweat, tears and hard work that students, teachers and parents have exerted will not be fully fulfilled. The closure and relief that the exam seasons provide will not be realised, simultaneously, the stress and anxiety that it causes many will also provide some peace. My hope is every student gets what they deserve with the system the DfE has adopted.
I hope this is the start of something special and I will be working tirelessly to provide students and the maths community with as much support as possible in the coming months and hopefully for many years.